Contact us on 01398 323745


Did you know?

If you have a septic tank discharging into a surface water such as a river or steam, you will need to replace this with a sewage treatment plant by the 1st January 2020.

Contact us for a quotation today!




LC Building Contractors have experience of all types and size of extension and from foundations to roofing we can manage the whole extension process.

Renovations & Restorations

Renovations & Restorations

We specialise in renovations and restorations including barn conversions, updating and extending period properties and listed buildings.

New Builds

New Builds

We are happy to liaise with architects and building control from the initial planning stages of any new build to ensure you get the specification you are looking for.

What others are saying

  • "Luke and the LC Building Contractors team are easy to work with and deliver fantastic results"
  • "Thank you Luke for a great job and quick completion, I will be recommending LC Building Contractors "
  • “We cannot thank Luke enough for his expertise and advice on our build”
  • "We will definitely be using LC Building Contractors for more work in the future, our job was completed quickly and efficiently"